Co-Benefits of Physical Activity in LMIC

Symposium B13


  • Nana Anokye Brunel University London
  • Andrea Ramírez Varela Universidad de los Andes; Global Observatory for Physical Activity – GoPA!
  • Deborah Salvo Washington University in St. Louis
  • Prarthna Mukerjee Public Health Foundation India; Centre for Chronic Disease Control
  • Alejandra Jauregui National Institute of Public Health of Mexico
  • Kingsley Agyemang Brunel University London



Introduction: Nana Anokye, Brunel University London; ISPAH LMIC Research Chair of Council. 

Title: Setting the scene and introducing the speakers

Speaker 1: Andrea Ramírez Varela, Universidad de los Andes in Colombia; Coordinator, Global Observatory for Physical Activity – GoPA! 

Title: COVID and Physical Activity in LMIC. Description: Andrea will reflect on data in the past year on the correlations between physical inactivity and COVID-19 outcomes and vice versa, the effects of COVID-19 on physical activity, and the wider impacts of the pandemic on physical activity.

Speaker 2: Deborah Salvo, Washington University and Prarthna Mukerjee,  Public Health Foundation India

Title: Roll call on Sustainable Development Goals and Physical Activity. Description: This session will provide up to date evidence on the linkages, supported by science, between SDGs and PA; focussing on the portions relevant to LMICs. This will include findings on simulated gains to SDGs due to different PA promotion strategies in cities of LMIC.

Presenter 3: Prarthna Mukerjee, Public Health Foundation of India, Centre for Chronic Disease Control

Title: Urban Forests, Parks in Delhi enhance Physical Activity, SDGs 3, 5, 10

Presenter 4: Alejandra Jauregui, Jefa del Departamento de Actividad Física y Estilos de Vida Saludable; Centro de Invesitgación en Nurtición y Salud

Title: Nexus between Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet in LMIC: The experiences in Mexico

Speaker 5: Kingsley Agyemang, Brunel University London and Alejandra Jauregui,  National Institute of Public Health of Mexico

Title: Nexus between Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet in LMIC. Description: The speakers will present findings of recent empirical analyses using data from West Africa and Latin America. This will include an overview of the findings from the 2021 Ghana Obesity Survey, the first comprehensive survey on lifestyle behaviour in Ghana. 

Purpose: This symposium is organised by the LMIC Research council. The aim is to highlight the co-benefits of physical activity using evidence base in LMIC settings. The symposium will comprise three main parts; featuring research conducted in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Americas.



How to Cite

Anokye, N., Ramírez Varela, A., Salvo, D., Mukerjee, P., Jauregui, A., & Agyemang, K. (2021). Co-Benefits of Physical Activity in LMIC: Symposium B13. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 14(3).

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