Effectiveness of Infographics at Disseminating Health Information During the COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Paige Coyne University of Windsor
  • Frank O. Ely University of Windsor
  • Jenna Fiala University of Windsor
  • Krista J. Munroe-Chandler University of Windsor
  • Sarah J. Woodruff University of Windsor




Physical Activity, Exercise, Health Research, Health Promotion


Background: Infographics are a popular method of delivery for health and physical activity promotion. Despite widespread use, research examining infographic effectiveness for health and physical activity information is limited. Purpose: Assess the effectiveness of infographics in disseminating the results of a research study investigating impacts of the first six months (March to August 2020) of the coronavirus pandemic on Canadian adults’ physical activity and health behaviours back to study participants. This study also sought to evaluate participants’ satisfaction with the infographics. Methods: Following each month of data collection, an infographic summarizing the previous month’s results was emailed to participants (N = 64). Participants’ knowledge of and satisfaction with the infographics, their desire to view the monthly infographics, as well as their usefulness and ease of understanding, were evaluated via an online survey. Results: Monthly knowledge questions were answered correctly by the majority of participants (monthly correct responses ranged from 58% to 80%). Overall infographic satisfaction received a mean rating of 4.36 (SD = 1.21) out of 5. Almost 83% of participants said they would still view/read the infographic, regardless of whether or not they had to answer knowledge questions. On average, participants rated their ease of infographic understanding as 4.66 (SD = .73) out of 5. Conclusion: Overall, this study provides support for infographics as an effective tool for health and physical activity promotion.


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How to Cite

Coyne, P., Ely, F. O., Fiala, J., Munroe-Chandler, K. J., & Woodruff, S. J. (2021). Effectiveness of Infographics at Disseminating Health Information During the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 14(4), 3–9. https://doi.org/10.14288/hfjc.v14i4.367

