Menstrual dysfunction in youth female athletes and their management in the context of models of energy deficiency


  • Danika A Quesnel University of British Columbia - Okanagan
  • Tristen Hefner
  • Maria Fernandez-del-Valle
  • Jacalyn McComb



Female Athlete Triad, RED-S, Menstrual Dysfunction, Youth Athletes, Athletic Management, Women


Today many young females consider themselves athletes, and participate in recreational, club, collegiate, or professional sport. Yet many of these girls and women, as well as their coaches, are not even aware of theoretical concepts in sport that relate to the reproductive health of females. Two such concepts are the Female Athlete Triad and the Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S) Model.  Both the Female Athlete Triad and the RED-S Model conceptualize the negative sequala that can result from engaging in sport without adequate fueling. One symptom that can result from inadequate fueling can result in the onset of menstrual dysfunctions (MDs).  Early intervention and the prevention of MDs is crucial to mitigate long term health consequences.  Long term adverse health consequences may result, especially if MD persists throughout the developmental years necessary to achieve peak bone mass in the young female. Conclusion: Thus the following narrative review will outline how models of energy deficiency (The Female Athlete Triade and RED-S) interplay in the development of MDs as well as outline the current knowledge of the screening, treatment and education for MDs in young female athletes.


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How to Cite

Quesnel, D. A., Hefner, T. ., Fernandez-del-Valle, M. ., & McComb , J. . (2022). Menstrual dysfunction in youth female athletes and their management in the context of models of energy deficiency. The Health & Fitness Journal of Canada, 15(1), 3–17.

